Group of people laying down on grass

Embrace Optimism

March has been officially designated Optimism Month. And if we didn’t know this before, it’s certainly a welcome fact right now.

It’s never too late to adopt a more positive attitude. Ultimately, this is the lens through which we view and experience life. As it happens, this month also marks an anniversary of sorts. It’s been a year since COVID officially entered our lives in a very real way. To say this past year has been challenging would certainly be an understatement. You could also say that even the most positive attitudes have been tested.

During this past year, each of us, in our own way have learned to navigate huge life changes, big questions, new unknowns – and probably more than a few sleepless nights. How did we do it? And, more importantly - how are we doing?

As always, we love to know what our SOL Family is thinking and feeling. So, recently, we asked you on social, what positivity-promoting things you’ve been doing over the last year that have helped and what discoveries you made along the way. We loved what you shared – and we thank you.

As part of our ongoing mission to bring you smiles and good vibes – and in honor of Optimism Month, we want to share some of your thoughts with our SOL Community. Remember, staying connected is a big part of staying positive.

Here’s one more thought to leave with you with before we do that. In Brazil, there’s a saying – we love – Sem medo de ser feliz. The translation? ‘No fear of being happy.’ 

We encourage you to go for what you want and want you need – without fear. Seek the positive and embrace joy when and wherever you can.  It’s there for each and every one of us.


Here are some of your responses on our Instagram:

What new skill or hobby did you learn this year?

"Started my blog!"
"Puzzles!! We started doing puzzles as a family!"

I'm happy I got to spend more time with...

"My daughter"
"My new husband <3 and the real winner... my dog!"

My favorite memory this past year was...

"I was a 2020 bride!"
"Graduating college"
"Moving into our first home"

The greatest lesson I learned was...

"Be kind to yourself"
"Treasure who you have in your life"
"Let it flow"

How do you view yourself differently now vs. last year?

"I view myself as a healthy, grown, focused, bold, loving, and caring individual!"
"I am a more confident RN (Registered Nurse)"
"I'm stronger mentally than I thought."

 Happy Optimism Month everybody!

P.S – Keep the BODY JOY up with some Self-care SOL Faves HERE