Model with hair oil

How to Get Rid of Greasy Hair

We’ve all been there. You thought you could get away with skipping wash day, only to wake up with slick, limp strands that are anything but cute. The positive? Your scalp is doing its job to produce oil and sebum that keep hair healthy and strong. The not-so-positive? That same oil and sebum can really drag down the look and feel of your hair, especially if yours is on the finer side. Next time you find yourself with an oil overload, turn to this guide on how to stop greasy hair. 


What Causes Greasy Hair? 

Every hair follicle on your head has its own oil gland that produces sebum. If you have fine hair, you're likely to have more hairs per centimeter, which means more oil glands producing sebum. So, our fine hair friends may notice their hair looks greasy more frequently. When this happens, we suggest daily washing with shampoos formulated for greasy, oily hair to maintain volume and sheen. 

Greasy hair also happens if you don’t shampoo frequently enough, or if you speed through your hair wash instead of taking the time to effectively remove oil and product build-up. On wash day, spend about a minute gently but firmly massaging your scalp and the back of your head with shampoo. Then, rinse well to wash away the shampoo residue, along with the dirt, oil, and dead skin cells trapped in it.  

If you need a double shampoo for your oily scalp, go for it. Just be sure to rinse thoroughly, as the build-up from double shampooing can make your hair even greasier. 


How To Prevent Greasy Hair 

For some, it seems like hair becomes greasy almost immediately after washing. When this happens, there are a few ways to prevent greasy hair and keep oil at bay for longer.  

Only apply conditioner to the ends of the hair 

If you run out of conditioner before you run out of shampoo, you may be doing it wrong. Conditioner should be used sparingly. To stop your hair from getting greasy, apply it only to your ends. If you have dry or colored hair, it’s easy to fall into the trap of applying conditioner everywhere. This will all but ensure your hair gets greasy fast. Instead, apply something like Brazilian Joia Strengthening & Smoothing Conditioner only to your ends for just the right amount of damage repair and hydration. 

Apply the right amount of shampoo 

Using too much shampoo will only serve to weigh your hair down if you don't thoroughly rinse it out. The rule of thumb is to apply about a quarter-size amount when you wash. Also, do two quick washes, rather than one long one with Brazilian Joia Strengthening & Smoothing Shampoo. Its blend of hair-healthy ingredients helps cleanse without stripping moisture. On your final rinse, switch to cool water to boost shine. A blast of cold water is also good for the scalp and regulates blood flow. 

Another tip for how to make hair less greasy is to be sure your shower isn’t too hot. Scalding water temperatures strip natural oils from the cuticle. The scalp then works to replace them immediately, making hair greasier faster. 

Dry shampoo is your best friend 

Consider dry shampoo your secret weapon when combatting greasy hair in between washes. Add it to your root area to absorb excess oils, sweat, and impurities. This will also help to create volume and texture in yesterday’s hair. Just keep in mind that using dry shampoo for too many days in a row can cause build-up on the scalp, leading to issues like dandruff. 

Give the straightening iron a break 

The straighter your hair is, the closer it lies to your scalp (and the oil on it). That’s why curlier locks generally tend to be more dry than straight hair. Little known tip for how to make your hair less greasy: Create volume or waves around your crown. This prevents your locks from looking limp.  

Don’t forget to brush 

Regular brushing is key to spreading your scalp's natural oils evenly through your hair. This prevents build-up on the crown area and helps add moisture to dry ends. Just keep in mind that over-brushing with a comb or brush can stimulate oil production. Try our Sol Yellow Wide Tooth Comb to glide through all hair types and textures. 

Use Hair Oil 

It's a myth that hair oils lead to greasy strands. Just make sure not to apply too much and avoid your roots. Regularly use a hair oil to help prevent hair breakage, prevent split ends, give radiant shine, detangle, and enhance your hair color. We love Brazilian Glossy Nourishing Hair Oil which is best known for fighting frizz, adding mirror-like shine, repairing damage, and deeply moisturizing thick strands. 



Is over-washing a thing? Can you train your hair to last longer between washes? 

Washing your hair often is always a good principle. It helps with optimal scalp conditions and healthy hair growth.  

Why does my hair get greasy so fast? 

Your hair type determines how prone you are to greasiness. If your locks are more textured, they might look fresh even if you haven’t washed in a few days. Those with fine or thin hair might notice slick strands the day after shampooing.  

Apart from genetics, your environment also plays a role in how frequently your hair looks oily. Many people find their hair is greasier in the warmer months. Higher temperatures often mean you sweat more, which mixes with the sebum on the scalp to create more oil. The same goes for humidity. Increased moisture in the air causes more moisture in your hair. Even things like wearing sun hats can spread grease, leading to flatter, oilier roots.