I’m gonna say what everyone is already thinking - New Year’s Eve is overwhelming.
Everywhere you look there’s glitter, false lashes, red lips, glitter, heels, bodycon dresses. Oh, and did I mention more glitter?
On TOP of that, everyone is on the same page - how many times have you walked into a NYE party to find that seven other girls clearly followed the same eyeshadow tutorial as you on YouTube?
And for what? To watch the ball drop on TV and go home at the end of the night like THIS?:

Don't think so. We came to make heads turn, and start off the new year (or new decade in this case) with our best foot forward.
You deserve to be THE showstopper in any room you walk into, and we have a foolproof way of making that happen.
Are you ready for our secret?
Focus. On. Fragrance.
NYE is everyone’s time to shine with flawless makeup and perfectly curated outfits. Everyone looks incredible, but the power of scent oftentimes gets overlooked.
In Brazil, being called cheirosa (smelling absolutely delicious) is as high of a compliment as being called beautiful. There's something magnetic about someone who smells good. Since beauty is universal, NYE is the perfect time to test this theory out, we’re here to make sure you’re covering all of the bases to maximize on ALL of the potential compliments as you ring in the new year.
Not only will you be known as the girl who looks like a snack, but SMELLS like one too! It's an effortless and effective way to give yourself that confidence boost and stand out among the glitter-donning NYE crowd.
All you have to do is pick your poison (Cheirosa '62 or Cheirosa '39), and everywhere you walk, you'll have heads turning trying to figure out what you're wearing.
Here’s my personal NYE prep plan:
- Shower with Brazilian 4 Play Shower Cream-Gel to start the night on a fresh note.
- Apply Brazilian Bum Bum Cream for super soft skin and as a base layer of fragrance.
- Proceed with the usual hair + makeup routine. (Doing this after applying Brazilian Bum Bum Cream will allow the fragrance time to settle with my natural body chemistry!)
- Spritz Brazilian Crush Hair + Body Fragrance Mist e v e r y w h e r e. (Hair, clothes, wrists, repeat.)
- Apply Brazilian Touch Hand Cream. (There will inevitably be some small-talking and hand-shaking throughout the night... might as well smell good doing it!)
Going in my purse:
- Brazilian Touch Hand Cream for aforementioned reasons.
- Brazilian Crush Hair + Body Fragrance Mist because the magic of cheirosa is meant to be shared! Every time I break this out at a party, people flock around me. It's a guaranteed way to make new friends. Bonus - fragrance upkeep is also the easiest touch up a girl could ever ask for. (I still have nightmares of touching up my red lip from NYE's of 2016. I would trade that nightmare out any day.)
Bonus - Brazilian Kiss Cupuaçu Lip Butter. You know where to find me at midnight 😘
Test it for yourself this NYE's and let us know how it goes!
Let's enter the roaring 20's together with a little bit of Cheirosa Charm ✨
Love It. Flaunt It. You’ve Got It.
Follow us @soldejaneiro