YOU GO GIRL! This International Women's Day, meet the ladies of our Sol-Fam andthe women who have influenced them to be their strongest, best selves!

How Sol de Janeiro Celebrated Women's History Month


Happy Women’s History Month!

*Cue Beyoncé’s Run The World anthem*

What began as “Women’s History Week,” on March 7, 1982, has become a celebratory month every March. Women’s History Month marks the accomplishments of women and the continued fight for gender equality across the globe.

At Sol de Janeiro, we believe in uplifting our diverse community of SOL Babes every day. We wouldn’t be who we are with you. Thank you for making the world a better place with your warm smiles, joyful attitudes and contagious love of life. That said, we’re not one to turn down an opportunity to highlight all the strong, amazing women who continue to inspire us with their beautiful SOL.

As we wrap up Women’s History of Month, some the women of our SOL-Fam shared the amazing women who have influenced them to be their best selves, and how they believe we change the world for better.


Shammara Lawrence
Freelance Copywriter

Who is the single most influential woman in your life?

My mother, Jessica. She’s been my rock since birth!

What is the best lesson you've learned from them?

During tough times, my mom loves saying, “Once there’s life, there’s hope.” Not going to lie, when I was younger, it annoyed me to no end, but now, her sage advice keeps me going whenever I’m faced with challenges in my life. It’s a simple saying, but a profound one that simply means, so as long you’re breathing, things can and will get better — just keep pushing.

What kind of female role-model do you aspire to be for others?

I aspire to be someone people look up to for being unapologetically herself no matter what. I truly believe there’s nothing more liberating than living your truth no matter what, even when the world tries to bring you down.

How can everyone do their part to make the world a better place for every body?

I feel like kindness is underrated in our society. Let’s make kindness popular again! When you see someone struggling with something, like fumbling bags at a grocery store, help them out if you can. In times like these, it’s more important than ever to look out for one another, just as you’d hope someone else would do for you.


Influencer & PR Manager

 Who is the single most influential woman in your life?

My great-grandmother, Carmen. She's raised me very well and is basically my mom and dad. 

What is the best lesson you've learned from them?

The best lesson I’ve learned from her is to never stop, no matter what. She passed on her go-getter attitude and I'm forever grateful for that. 

What kind of female role-model do you aspire to be for others?

Someone that stands up for what they believe and for what's right no matter if I'm the only one that thinks so. If I believe in something strongly, I fight for it and I hope everyone has the courage to do the same.

How can everyone do their part to make the world a better place for every body?

By being kind to everyone and taking a moment to be present in your interactions with others can make a huge difference in the world we live in today.  We move so fast and often let important moments go by as if they aren't so important but these might matter so much to others.


PR & Influencer Coordinator 

Who is the single most influential woman in your life?

My mom. She is to me, the true definition of a resilient woman, who packed her life and left her family to move to a new country not knowing how to speak the language because she believed the future of her two daughters was worth any difficulty she might have to face in a foreign land.

What is the best lesson you've learned from them?

I grew up listening to my mom say that the single most important thing you can do as a woman is to be the owner of your own choices. It sounds cliche, but being able to decide who you want to be - whether that's the CEO of your own company or a stay at home mom, or anything in between - is the ultimate definition of an independent woman. 

What kind of female role-model do you aspire to be for others?

When I look back on the impact my female role models had on me,  whether I know them personally or just through a screen, it's always about the support they gave me in the times I failed to see my own potential.

Yes, we as women are capable of great things but that will most likely not come easy and not on our first try. Having the support of strong women who will help you hold your head high and say "it's ok, it's a process, do not give up" was the single most important lesson I've learned.

It's not always about grand gestures - sometimes it's just about showing up and showing our support. It is truly the most empowering thing we can do as women to lift each other up and have each other's back.

How can everyone do their part to make the world a better place for every body?

I think as human beings, it's so important to have empathy towards others each and every day of our lives. Even with our busy schedules, creating the habit of putting ourselves into someone else's shoes and being mindful of the impact our actions have on others can bring all of us closer and create a collective mindset. 


If you're reading this, thank you for being a SOL Babe! This month and beyond, we celebrate you with all of our Heart and SOL. 


Let us know in the comments who inspires YOU to be better every day, and why. Let's continue to celebrate them beyond Women's History Month, and remember to show love and share joy with them every moment you get!